Healthy Recipes

Sergey Megre’s Breakfast Recipes

Start the day off with two versions of Sergey Megre’s usual breakfast recipe that he has been making for the last few years.

Cedar Protein Porridge with Berries:


  • 1/3 cup cedar protein powder
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/2 cup fresh, frozen or dried berries (such as honeyberries, blueberries or raspberries)


  • 1tsp of cedar syrup or raw honey
  • Milk or nut “milk”


  • Mix cedar protein and water together (mix until smooth with no lumps)
  • Top with berries or other fruit
  • Drizzle with cedar syrup or honey if you enjoy a sweeter breakfast.
  • Enjoy!

Cedar Flakes with Berries (a real forest breakfast):


  • Cedar flakes
  • Your choice of fresh or frozen berries


  • Milk or nut “milk”
  • Honey or cedar syrup


  • Prepare a small bowl of cedar flakes and a small bowl of berries of your choice (honey berries or blueberries for example)
  • Use a spoon and combine to your liking and eat together
  • Ā This is a simple breakfast that Sergey Megre enjoys on a regular basis. You can make additions if you prefer to turn it into a type of breakfast cereal (such as adding a bit of milk and honey if you like)


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