Interesting Facts

The Healing Power Of Water

In 1994, Anastasia shared information with Vladimir Megré about the healing powers of water. She shared instructions on how the individual can benefit from using water in a certain way. Vladimir then shared this information in his first book ‘Anastasia’. Meanwhile, in Japan, a man named Masaru Emoto began experimenting with water, documenting human interactions with it, freezing it and then studying the results under a microscope.

Anastasia’s knowledge of healing water

Anastasia suggested that a person wanting to experience the healing properties of water, should find a spring that tastes best to them and collect the water to bring it home. From there she highlights specific instructions in order to make the most of its properties.

“Bring that water home, pour it into vessels, and freeze it. Every evening put the amount of water you need for a day on the table in a handsome vessel, preferably with a piece of green fabric underneath the vessel. Before going to sleep, you have to say good words to the water, or you can just think tenderly about it.”

The human body is on average made up of roughly 60% water. If we consider the effect that negative and positive words and attitudes have on the human body, then we can reasonably conclude that words and attitudes would have an effect on water itself too.

“The room shouldn’t be too warm because a little bit of ice should remain in the water. If it doesn’t, you need to add a piece of the ice stored separately in the cold. It is good to add a small piece of the ice to warm water, too. And to the hot tea you drink.”

“As the ice melts, it is good to think about the water with tenderness, and you can say nice words to it, as if it were a living being. You can put one drop of cedar oil into the melted water. No matter what volume of water this drop falls into, the information from it will spread throughout the water, and this information is very important.

“Before going to sleep, you can stroke the vessel of water and exhale the air from yourself onto the water.”

Anastasia’s advice centres around utilising frozen water specifically and adding the frozen water to other beverages that you drink. She specifies that when you drink it, it should still have a little bit of ice in it.

This is not the only time that reference has been made to the importance of the temperature of water. It is known that water is at it’s densest when it is at a temperature of +4°C (+39.2°F). It also reaches its highest energy content when it is at its densest. Spring water (from a true spring that has not been adjusted) usually has a temperature of around +4°C (+39.2°F). 

An Austrian philosopher, inventor, naturalist and forest caretaker by the name of Viktor Schauberger delved deep into the importance that temperature plays in the health of water. When discussing the topic of water temperature, he said the following:

“The slightest disturbance of this harmony can lead to the most disastrous consequences for the major life forms.” – Viktor Schauberger 

He also suggested that if water is able to remain under +9°C (+48.2°F) it is able to assist in building life. 

Further advice from Anastasia

“The next day, when you wake up, say good morning to the water. It’s good to drink the water in small, unhurried sips.

“You can also wet your face with it.

“If you have any ailments in your body, the water will start to heal them and will definitely cure them. You will feel the improvement in three days.

“If you use the water for ninety-nine days, even serious diseases will leave your body, and you will see the skin on your face improve noticeably.

“If you want your body to be younger and your thinking to move more rapidly, then in addition to the water you can use cedar oil in the morning, at noon, and at nightfall, one sip each time, and also honey from various herbs and flower pollen in whatever quantity you find pleasing. But you mustn’t mix them with the water. If you do this for thirty days, you will be- gin to think faster, and your body will be younger.”

Masaru Emoto – The Hidden Power of Water

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author who theorised that human consciousness could have an effect on the molecular structure of water.

“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith, if you’re open to it.” – Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto spent many years studying the effect that human interaction had on the structure of water. One of his most famous studies involved speaking certain words (positive and negative) to water, then freezing it and viewing the frozen water under a microscope. The results were quite fascinating and lead him to conclusions that support the advice given by Anastasia.

Here are two examples of images of water that have had different words spoken to them:


“I can’t do it.”









  ” I can do it.”

Using water to improve our health and healing

Water is a profound substance without which we would not exist. The research and concepts laid out, not only by Anastasia but also by researchers, philosophers and authors brings us to the conclusion that it is important to take note of the powerful influence we have on the health of water, and therefore the health of our bodies.

If you have followed Anastasia’s recommendations we would love to hear from you and what your experience was.

“Pure, vivid moments of life and positive emotions will vanquish pain and disease, like guardian angels. ” – Vladimir Megré, Ringing Cedars of Russia.

Find the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series in English E-books here. 




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