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Svetlana Kukolschikova. Is It Possible to Restore Soil Fertility?


My husband made a high bed in front of the house for my garden experiments. The result is most enjoyable. In mixed planting: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash, zucchini and even beets, well, sunflower and wheat for decoration. It all grows well and bears fruit in the open ground even in this difficult summer.

The biggest tomatoes on each bush weight half a kilo — this is a great result considering the fact that I did it from scratch for the first time.

All the experiments of the past have crashed on the harsh reality: my land was completely ruined by the farms. Even the general poor background of the Slavnoe family homestead settlement land, the soil of my plot is different… and not in a good way. The plot has a significant slope, and organic matter, apparently, constantly washed away in the adjacent beam, leaving only the pure clay. Perhaps because of groundwater that flows under the ground and have an even stronger wash-out effect.

I’d almost given up after planted in the ground seedlings, carefully mulch by cut grass from the plot, have not grown a millimeter in 2 summer months! This is an indication of the catastrophic lack of necessary for plant growth balance of soil nutrients.

But the hope glimmered and as it turned out — it was not in vain. Great help in the solution of the problem provided reflections of truckers and farmers, which they generously share on the network (especially for the search “high bed with organic matter”). The solution appeared in my mind, during the rethinking of their experience taking into account specific conditions of our plot. Not sure that it is suitable for any plot, as not all findings of the summer residents or “foreign stars of permaculture” work on my plot, so I will not elaborate. Let me just say that the basis of the garden — clay from our plot, because after a few years observing the results I do not see sense the purchase of imported ground, this method doesn’t work. I realized that the answer appears in the head necessarily, if you look for it.

Is it possible to restore soil fertility? — Yes, of course!

I wish you good luck in creation.
