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What is my favorite drink? 

Surely, this is tea!

Since my childhood my grandma and me gathered herbs in the forests and meadows together. I loved the way they tasted, the way they looked. My grandma explained me how to differentiate herbs and what properties they have. I liked being connected with nature and gather then ferment tea myself. I remember this time with enjoyment and sadness. Why sadness?

Because now I don’t live in the village and have no time to gather it. I used to drink natural tea, and it is truly hard to find today, that makes me sad and it is a real problem for me, because I know the way it must be. But this time MegreLLC again helped me a lot. I’ve bought Ivan tea there! It is truly natural and useful tea! It has so amazing flavor, smell. As the connoisseur of tea I can say that it is worth buying. What is more, I have low blood pressure, and Ivan tea balances it. If you have high blood pressure, don’t worry Ivan tea will balance it too. Did you know that it contains six and a half times more vitamin C than a lemon?! It adds vital forces! Is it important for me? Of course, “yes”!

I invited my friends and treated them with my new Ivan tea! Do you want to know, if they liked it or not? They asked me to give them tea again and again. Actually we spent wonderful time!
I am absolutely sure, you won’t be sorry for buying of it.