
Tips for Relaxing

Tips for Relaxing

Do you need some tips on how to wind down? Sometimes we work so hard during the year, we forget how to relax during holidays. As usual, we have some ideas 😇🤗 We put together a short and simple list that you can use without having to go shopping or commit to an activity for the longterm.

Here’s our list:

🌬Take a long warm bath in the evenings – you can add spa oils for aromatherapy, light a candle for atmosphere, even add dried herbs to your bath if you like to do that. It helps you wind down in the evening and relax, promoting a good nights sleep.

📚 Read a book – we often don’t have time to dream and go into our imagination during the year with all the stresses and busyness of modern life, holidays are the perfect time to switch off and drift into imagination. Of course you can guess which books we recommend 😉

✍️Journaling – writing down our thoughts, feelings and dreams can bring us closure for the past year and bring inspiration for the new one. A good time to start a new journal!

❄️ Go for a walk or do some yoga – don’t worry even if it is winter, fresh air is good for the body and soul! If it is too cold to walk outside in nature, you can do a light yoga class online, or some stretching in your lounge. It’s good to keep the body moving 🙂

No matter what time of year it is – it’s important to have simple tools that you can use to learn to wind down and relax when you need to. Whether it is the festive season, your holiday leave or just a normal weekend, these tips are easy to implement and won’t cost you a lot or require huge commitments. You can decide how much time you are able to dedicate to the task 🙂