Healthy Recipes

Radish & Garden Herb Salad

A delicious fresh salad that can be made almost completely from ingredients grown in your garden. Radishes are considered some of the easiest and quickest vegetables to grow, often being ready to harvest within one month. Not only that, but when you harvest, don’t throw away the greens! Radish greens are some of the most nutritious garden greens available to us, containing a host of vitamins and minerals that the body uses for immunity and to prevent conditions such as fatigue, diabetes and rheumatism.

What you will need:

  • Radishes – 100 g
  • Fresh greens (any kind of green salad) – a bunch
  • Cucumber – 100 g
  • Onion greens – 10 g
  • Cedar oil  – 2 tbsp
  • Salt  and black pepper to taste

Preparation of the salad:

  • Cut the cucumbers and radishes into rings
  • Finely chop the onion
  • Tear the lettuce leaves or greens with your hands
  • Add cedar oil, salt, pepper and mix. All is ready!


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