Interesting Facts, World news

Creating Bright Thoughts With Meditation

Join Us In Creating Bright Thoughts 🌍✨

In a world facing numerous challenges, Anastasia’s words offer a profound way to enhance our connection to each other and the planet, collectively focusing on well-being and positive solutions. By cultivating mindfulness and compassion through meditation, we can foster a deeper sense of responsibility toward our environment and fellow beings – ultimately improving our collective wellbeing and cultivating bright thoughts:

“Humanity knows all the other Truths as well, but it doesn’t observe them. The Truths are betrayed for fleeting, illusory pleasure. That means some other way must be found that allows us not only to know, but also to feel other pleasures. “The person who knows them can compare and will understand everything himself. He’ll unblock his own God-given particle. You shouldn’t just frighten man with disaster or blame those who don’t grasp the truth. Everyone bearing this particle, this truth, must understand the need to search for a more perfect means of interpretation.”

“Alone I won’t be able to find it at all. It can only be seen through the joint efforts of the particles in different people with opposite thinking.
“Only through our joint efforts will it appear in the invisible dimension where thoughts reside. This dimension might also be called the Dimension of the Forces of Light. It is located between the material world in which man lives and God. “I will see it and so will many others. Afterward, it will be easier to achieve universal consciousness and to carry humanity across the dark forces’ span of time so that the disasters will not reoccur.”

“But more concretely, what should people do now to make it appear?” “It would be good if lots of people woke up at an agreed time. For instance, if people woke up at six o’clock in the morning. And thought about something good—it doesn’t matter what specifically. What matters is that the thoughts be thoughts of light. “You could think about your children, about those you love, and also about how to make things good for everyone. Think like that for just fifteen minutes. The more people do this, the faster the answer will appear. “Time zones on Earth are different because of its rotation, but the images created by the light thoughts of these people will merge into a single, bright, and saturated image of consciousness. The simultaneity of the thinking about the forces of light intensifies each person’s ability many times over.”

We have collected some advice for those who wish to join us:

1. Practice Mindful Awareness To Create Bright Thoughts

Begin your meditation by focusing on the present moment. As you breathe deeply, become aware of your surroundings—feel the earth beneath you, listen to the sounds of nature, and appreciate the beauty around you. This mindful awareness helps you recognize your connection to the planet and encourages a sense of gratitude for its resources.

2. Meditate on Compassion

Use your meditation time to cultivate feelings of compassion for all living beings. Visualize sending love and kindness to animals, plants, and fellow humans. This practice enhances your empathy and motivates you to act with kindness toward the world, inspiring positive change in your actions and interactions.

3. Engage in Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation involves silently repeating phrases of goodwill towards yourself and others. Expand this practice to include the planet. As you meditate, wish for the earth to be healthy and thriving. This intention can translate into mindful behaviors, such as reducing waste and supporting sustainable practices.

4. Visualize a Harmonious Planet

During your meditation, take a moment to visualize a vibrant, flourishing planet. Imagine clean oceans, lush forests, thriving ecosystems and joyful peaceful people. This visualization can reinforce your commitment to environmental stewardship, motivating you to take actionable steps to protect and restore our planet.

5. Connect with Nature

Whenever possible, meditate outdoors. Sit under a tree, by a river, or in a garden. This connection to nature can deepen your appreciation for the earth and its ecosystems, reminding you of the importance of caring for our environment.

6. Set Intentions for Positive Action

At the end of your meditation, take a moment to set intentions for how you can contribute in a small way to goodness on the planet. Whether it’s reducing plastic use, planting trees or thinking bright thoughts every morning, setting clear intentions can guide your actions and make a difference.

7. Incorporate Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can shift your perspective and inspire action. During your meditation, focus on what you are grateful for in the natural world—fresh air, clean water, and biodiversity. This practice can motivate you to protect and nurture these gifts.

8. Join Group Meditations for Earth & Creating Bright Thoughts

Participating in group meditations focused on global healing can amplify your intentions. Create a meditation group with your friends, family or like minded people and join together to think bright thoughts together simultaneously.

9. Mindful Consumption

After meditating, reflect on your consumption habits. Consider how you can make more mindful choices in your daily life, from the products you buy to the food you eat. Every conscious decision contributes to the greater good of the planet.

10. Stay Committed to Your Practice

Regular meditation strengthens your resolve to contribute positively to the planet. As you cultivate mindfulness and compassion, let these qualities influence your daily actions and interactions with the world around you.

Have you tried our Ringing Cedars Meditation Guide? Have a look here.

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