Traditions in a family help not only to keep memories, but also make the life much more interesting. I love family traditions. They were very important when I was growing up. I remember being very proud to tell my friends that our family always did this or that, and I counted on the holidays being the same each year- doing the same things and serving the same foods. As an adult I think back on the things I looked forward to each year with a fondness that helps me to remember and appreciate my family- even those who are gone.
When me and my boyfriend created our own family, I wished us to have our own traditions. For 3 years of living together we have already a big list of them. We read books aloud for each other before going to bed, once in a month go to the theater, write our thanking letters to each other…
The company MegreLLC has a special meaning for our family too, we’ve read all the books of Vladimir Megre. And that’s why we’ve decided to create one more new tradition connected with their production. Every Sunday we have a family tea party, where we share our impressions after finishing of the week and sum up the results of the week. Now we eat Cedar Bars on this tea party and it gives us a special feeling of unity with nature and people who eat natural products. And of course, because Cedar Bars are very tasty, we continue eating them during a whole week.