
A New Year With Bright Thoughts

Bright thoughts are a powerful force in our world. What happens when many people launch good thoughts and warm wishes into the world? More light and love is found. The new year is a perfect time to set intentions for sending good wishes – so that they, like rays, increase the amount of light in the world.

How can we increase our bright thoughts in 2025?

  • Read or reread our favourite green books – there is always new insight to comprehend.
  • Focus on what we are grateful for in small moments in our day – such as our partner, our home, our family, our friends, a small pot plant or a tree you planted.
  • Dream about our bright future – we can begin by creating it in our minds and then start to make it a reality.
  • Take the advice of our favourite green books – getting up at 6am and thinking bright thoughts for 15 minutes will multiple the bright thought rays in the world, the more of us that do it, the more there will be!
  • Give someone a hug who needs it, or do a kind deed for them.
  • Plant a tree or a small plant, even if it is in a pot plant in our apartment, our interactions with nature are important for our state of mind.
  • Take care of our body by nurturing & respecting it as best we can.

The more love we can create in ourselves this year, the more it will exist in the world in 2025!


“A man in the state of love gives off an emission. In a fraction of a second it reflects off the planets sailing above the person and once more reaches Earth, giving life to everything alive. “

– Vladimir Megre, Anastasia



Share with us how you would like to create bright thoughts this year!