Interesting Facts, Nutrition Tips

Cedar Oil For Diseases

Cedar oil for diseases

In today’s world, our individual and collective health faces numerous challenges. An unfavorable environment, high stress levels and poor eating habits all take a toll on our well-being, which we often overlook.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of vitamins designed to support various bodily systems. However, it’s important to remember that natural remedies are often absorbed more effectively than synthetic ones. They tend to disrupt the microbiome less and generally have a more enduring impact. Nature has provided a rich blend of vitamins and micronutrients essential for our health in cold-pressed cedar oil. In this article, we’ll explore how cedar nut kernel oil addresses some of the most common health issues of our time.


Flu and acute respiratory viral infections

Some of the most common and insidious infectious diseases are easily contracted but can leave lingering symptoms that persist for a long time. Cedar oil enriched with propolis has shown promising results for alleviating colds thanks to its general strengthening and immune modulatory properties.

For preventive care, we recommend using cedar oil enriched with sea buckthorn or cedar oil with 5% resin. These additives are not just for show: propolis, cedar resin and sea buckthorn are natural antibiotics. When combined with cedar oil, they provide a rich source of vitamins that support the body in combating diseases more effectively.


Vision problems

Modern life imposes its own demands, leading many of us to spend long hours on phones or computers while neglecting our daily routines and eating habits. These factors can significantly impact one of our most crucial senses: vision.

Cold-pressed cedar oil is rich in magnesium, zinc, iodine, and selenium, which are essential for managing daily visual stress. Additionally, the vitamins A and E found in cedar nut oil positively affect vision. They protect against free radicals, act as neuroprotectors for the retina and optic nerve fibers and enhance the microcirculation within the eyes.


Heart disease

Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases are among the most prevalent health issues in many countries. Cedar oil enriched with 10% resin is highly effective for preventing heart and vascular problems.

Cedar oil, cold-pressed, 100 ml

Resin and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, 6, and 9 in cedar oil help reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol, which can accumulate on blood vessel walls, leading to cholesterol plaques and circulatory issues. Additionally, cedar oil enhances lipid metabolism and blood circulation, reducing the risk of blood clots, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases.


Diseases caused by stress

Nature operates according to a biological rhythm, marked by seasonal changes, lunar cycles, and the alternation of day and night. It’s crucial for human life to stay in sync with this rhythm; otherwise, the body may experience constant nervous tension, impacting the central nervous system (CNS). Initial symptoms of this imbalance can include mood swings, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and eating disorders.

To support the CNS, it’s essential to provide nerve cells with proper nutrients. Cold-pressed cedar oil is rich in phospholipids, which are vital for nerve cell function, and natural antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage. Regular consumption of cedar oil can significantly reduce stress and improve overall health.

Choose your cedar oil here. 


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